Cost-of-living page-please click the links in blue.
Sheffield City Council has pulled information, help and support on cost-of-living into one place to make it easier to find what you need, including:
If you're not signed up to receive news updates from us, please sign up here, so you don't miss essential cost-of-living and other news alerts.
Money support
The fund could help with paying for anything from food to electricity.
Check if you're eligible for a council tax discount, or what to do if you're struggling to pay it.
Money, debt and budgeting advice from the friendly and knowledgeable team in Sheffield. Kirsty and Matt from CAB talk about how they can help below:
Kirsty and Matt, Citizens Advice Bureau Sheffield
Tips on ways to save money in every area; loans, credit cards, mortgages, income and budgeting, shopping, insurance and travel.
Community support
Welcome, warm places and community hubs are being added to this map every week. Find out where you can go locally for support from a friendly face, a chat or a warm drink.
Sheffield welcome places map
The Voluntary Action Sheffield map page has more information on welcome places and community hubs in Sheffield.
It's lovely to find friendly people in warm, happy places and Matt Dean and his team at Zest, Upperthorpe have created just that; great food, gym, pool, library and help with accessing services.
Matt Dean, Zest, Upperthorpe
OLIO connects neighbours with each other and with local businesses so surplus food can be shared, not thrown away. It can be used for non-food household items too.
All sorts of pre-loved items offered free in Sheffield and other areas.
Help with energy costs
You could get £150 off your electricity bill, find out if you can get it, click the button below.
Use the online home energy saving tool to find ways to save on energy such as through home insulation or boiler upgrades.
See if you can get help making your home warm and cosy this winter with Help to Heat. Click the button below.