Music at Wybourn Primary School
At Wybourn Primary we believe that creativity is central to children developing as well-rounded citizens who can express themselves and interpret the world around them.
By exposing children to a range of musicians, instruments, songs and musical styles, and giving all children opportunities to listen, experiment, compose, appreciate and perform we enable the children to develop as musicians.
Music is taught in three half-terms each year. The Charanga Curriculum is used throughout each year group at Wybourn Primary, which ensures that music progression is comprehensive. The Charanga Curriculum ensures that children have exposure to a range of styles of music and of composers. Children sing a variety of styles of song and use technology to experiment, compose and perform. Children learn technical vocabulary and begin to read and record music formally.
Children in Year 5 enjoy weekly lessons with a music specialist from the Sheffield Music Hub (learning cornets). Up to 10 children in Year 6, who have demonstrated specific interest and skill as Year 5s, can choose to continue weekly lessons throughout their final year in school.
All children sing weekly, both within classrooms and in whole-school assemblies.
Each year there are a range of musical opportunities for children to participate in and to enjoy as audience members.
Opportunities including Young Voices, One Voice, Whole School Music Day, musicians visits, working with the Cathedral Choristers, Halle Orchestra trips and whole school performances develop children’s musical skills and confidence.
Throughout their time at Wybourn, children will have used their voices to sing and make musical sounds alone and in groups. All children will have played tuned and un-tuned instruments – composing, performing and experimenting with sound. Children will listen to a range of musical presentations across generations, genres and styles.
KS2 children will read and record formal musical notation and begin to understand the history and development of music over time.
Children will leave our school as lovers of music and confident that they understand, can appreciate and can create music in their own way.
These are the topics from Charanga for each year group:
Y1- Hey You!, In the Groove, Your Imagination
Y2- Hands Feet Heart, I wanna play in a band, Friendship song
Y3- Three Little Birds, Glockenspiel stage 1, Bringing us together
Y4- Lean on Me, Mamma Mia, Glockenspiel stage 2
Y5- Cornets throughout the year