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Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

We know that education is fundamental to improving life chances and ‘Learning today, tomorrow and for life’ is our school moto. Our goal at Wybourn is for children to leave primary school as proficient and confident readers, writers and mathematicians but also as curious, independent and motivated learners who are eager for the next stage in their education. 


We use the Cornerstones curriculum to expose our children to enriching experiences and give them the skills required to help them succeed in life.

Here at Wybourn our curriculum is planned to open the windows of the world to children, showing them what an amazing place it is to explore and giving them the skills and knowledge to negotiate it successfully.


The key principles behind the design of our curriculum for our children are:

  • Leave primary school as proficient and confident readers, writers and mathematicians but also as curious, independent and motivated learners who are eager for the next stage in their education. 
  • Ensure that children have their social and emotional needs met. The whole child is key. 
  • We place equal emphasis on supporting our children and families to be healthy, resilient and compassionate so that they are able to rise to challenges in the future. 
  • We are ambitious; all staff at Wybourn work tirelessly to inspire children (and their families) and to show them the amazing world that is out there for them to explore. 