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Welcome to Y1 

Y1 is lots of fun!

In history, we learn all about toys of the past and get to visit a Victorian school where we learn that school was very different to today!

We also learn lots about the United Kingdom and London, including all the famous landmarks. In Art and Design, we learn about how to make wheels, axles and chassis and how they work together to make a vehicle move. 


Phonics and Reading 

We do a Little Wandle phonics lesson every day. In addition to this, we do timetabled daily Keep Up with targeted children. Children are assessed regularly to ensure they are on track and any interventions that are needed, are put in place. Following half termly assessments, children are matched with a phonetically decodable reading book which they read three times a week as part of a group reading session with an adult in school. 


How you can help at home

Children take home a phonetically decobable book and choose a 'Snuggle Book' of their choice that can be read together as a family. We want all children to be successful and enthusiastic readers for life. Each term we send home spellings for you to practise with your child at home. We also send home a homework menu. You can choose one activity a week to complete with your child. Bring it in or post it on Dojo to earn Dojo points! The homework menu is attached below. 


Phonics Screening Check

In June, children in Y1 sit the Phonics Screening Check. This is a national test and is carried out by the child's class teacher on a 1-1 basis. The test is made of 40 words- 20 real words, 20 'alien' words. Nearer the time, we will send out some words for you to practise at home with your child. 


We work in Y1CH


Class teacher- Mr Callum Hill 


Teaching Assistant- Miss Kirsty May  


We work in Y1RB


Miss Rebecca Blackmore- Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant- Mrs Elizabeth Watkinson (4 days) and Ms Kate Mina (1 day)


Please find attached work that can be completed at home including our termly homework sheet
