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Uniform Information


At Wybourn Community Primary we have a school uniform.  The purpose of having a school uniform is to make children look and feel part of the ‘Wybourn Team’.  It also should make getting dressed easier in the morning and avoid arguments about what children will wear to school.  Uniform can be ordered from the school office or you can buy non-logoed uniform from any supermarket. 


What is our uniform?

Black or grey trousers, long shorts, school skirt or school dress

In summer, a blue or red gingham dress

White, red or blue polo shirt (with or without a school logo)

Red or blue school jumper or cardigan (with or without a school logo)

Comfortable shoes or trainers that they can run and play in. 

If you have school jumpers or cardigans that are black these can be worn until your child grows out of them but they are being phased out.

PE kit – black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings with a white t-shirt (not cropped) and a jumper/hoodie for outdoor PE.  If children come to school wearing their PE kit on PE days they must come wearing their school jumper rather than the PE hoodie. 


If children are not wearing uniform, we will speak to parents and provide an alternative for them to wear.   


On their birthday, children can wear ‘non-uniform’ clothes for the day.     


Where to buy?

If you want a uniform with the school badge on, you can order at the school office or Pinders Schoolwear at Crystal Peaks shopping centre.


Most supermarkets sell 'plain' uniforms (like Black Trousers/skirts and white polo shirts, etc) if you want a cheaper alternative.


We also have a selection of second-hand uniform which we gladly give away to any families who are struggling or need financial support.


We very much welcome any donations of old uniform-please send it to school as we have many families who need it.


If you have any questions about this, please come and talk to a member of SLT. 
