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School reopening a letter from the Trust.

Dear families,

You will have heard in the news that the government may increase the number of pupils who will be able to attend school from the start of June.  We do want our children back in school but, as I have said before, we need to get this right.  The safety and well-being of children, families and staff are of upmost importance.  Attached is a letter from Joanne Bradshaw, the CEO of Sheffield South East Trust (the small local trust that we are part of).  It explains the work that we are currently undertaking and some information about how, when the conditions are right, we intend to welcome groups of children back into school.  I will be in touch again over the next couple of weeks with more details.  If you have concerns or questions in the meantime, please ring school and a member of SLT will be happy to talk to you.

Best wishes, Hannah Thornley


Please see the Parents section on our website for the letter
